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28mm planetary gearbox  brushless motor
28mm geared brushless motor

28mm planetary gearbox brushless motor

High speed
High precision
High efficiency
Product Detail

机械尺寸Mechanical Dimensions for 28mm geared brushless motor


常规参数Genaral Specifications

接线方式Winding TypeStar
霍尔角度Hall Effect Angle120°(电气角度Electrical Angle)
轴向跳动Shaft Axial Play0.025N.m
环境温度Ambient Temperature0°-50°(无结冰Without Condensation)
环境湿度Ambient Humidity<85%(无凝露Without condensation)
最大径向负载MAX. Radial Force25N
最大轴向负载MAX. AxialForce10N
绝缘等级Insulation ClassClass
介电强度Dielectric StrengthOne minute@500VAC.5mA
绝缘电阻Insulation Resistance100MΩ Min@500VAC

电器链接Electric Connection

引线序号Lead NO.引线颜色Lead Color线规Lead Gauge定义Define
3黄YellowHALL A
4白WhiteHALL B
5蓝BlueHALL C
6橙OrangeUL1007/22AWGPhase U
7绿GreenPhase V
8棕BrownPhase W

技术规格Technical Specification for 28mm geared brushless motor

型号Model No.反电势常数Back EMF Constant额定电压Rated Voltage转速Speed额定转矩Rated Torque功率Power额定电流Rated Current空载转速No-load Speed空载电流No-load Current电阻Resistance/line-line电感Inductance/line-line机身长Length


电机配置减速机后参数举例An example of gear motor parameters

型号Model No.减速机型号Model No.整机长度L3 Total Length L3减速比Gear Ratio减速极数Stage空载转速No-load Speed额定转速Rated Speed额定转矩Rated Torque最大瞬间允许负载Instantaneous Max PermissibleLoad备注Remarks
30BL02502-0006-xxxPLE-028N-071B-00183.571365601.53for reference

备注:客户只需要提供最终整机输出的转速及转矩要求,我们会根据您的需求选择电机和减速机。Just tell us the final speed and torque for your application,we will provide the motion solution with most suitbale motor and gearbox.

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