How does a high speed brushless motor dissipate heat

 01/03/2021| View:746
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How does a high speed brushless motor dissipate heat

What is high speed brushless motor? Generally speaking, a motor with more than 10,000 revolutions can be called a high-speed motor, that is, a brushless motor with more than 10,000 revolutions can be called a high speed brushless motor, which is also defined by the linear speed of the rotor rotation. The motor speed is generally greater than 50m/s , The centrifugal stress of the rotor is proportional to the square of the rotor speed, so the speed of the rotor speed reflects the speed of the rotor structure design.

The high speed brushless motor has a wide range of applications, and has different applications in different industries, such as laboratory equipment, high-speed centrifuges, agitators, and household wall breakers, hair dryers, and power tools.

high speed brushless motor

How does the high speed brushless motor dissipate heat?

The loss of the motor increases with the geometric progression of the speed, and the heat generated by the high loss causes the temperature rise of the motor to increase rapidly. In order to maintain high-speed operation, a cooling method with good heat dissipation must be designed. The usual high-speed brushless motor cooling method is: internal forced air cooling. Strong cold air can be blown directly into the motor to take away the heat of the coil and iron core.

"Internal oil cooling" is a combination of oil cooling inside the stator slot of a high-speed brushless motor designed by AVL, for example, in an application environment where the motor must be shut down and protected, or in an application environment where there is no strong wind. Some motors also use a combination of winding oil cooling + stator oil cooling + rotor oil cooling.

high speed brushless motor

The high speed brushless motor can meet the user's performance requirements for the motor, and the performance parameters can also be adjusted as required, which will be an advantage of customized manufacturing.